

What is YaxGames?

YaxGames is a place where users can play video games, toy with little experiments and projects, as well as find interesting apps all created by our small team.
We here at YaxGames believe in making games, and experiments for fun and seeing what people think of them. Whenever we have an interesting idea we write it down and use what time we can to build them.
Any fun or funding that comes out of it is just a happy byproduct.
We wouldn't call ourselves a company just yet, but lets just say we are a group of individuals striving to do something fun.

Why YaxGames?

Because we can, and we do.
No other reason needed then to try something and make something, you never know what good can come out of it.
That's why this site was created.

Where are we?

YaxGames Is based out of Toronto, Canada.
That's right


Though we may occasionally have people assist us from afar we are a local Canadian group that enjoys doing what we're doing.

When and who?

When we all began is not really much of a question, though if you really want to know, we went public in late 2014 with just a few little programs running on the web.
As for who we are just see for yourself by viewing the user profiles below, every individual has their hand in something fun.
All of us here at YaxGames (we're not paid so don't call us employees :P) show our strengths and pull our experience from our backgrounds.

Why do you guys have such weird codenames?

Every individual states a name they would like to be called, a codename because we are awesome, and a self proclaimed title along with a brief bio.
Its all in good fun, people have their reasons, often times the codename reflects their personality or specialization.

Thank you for visiting our site, we appreciate you taking the time to visit.

Any and all feedback is appreciated Comments section coming soon
Anthony - A.K.A The Orange Hat The Founder of this YaxGames empire!
Currently working as a programmer analyst at Canam systems working on the company website and customer support.
I was recently working as a Technical/Clerical Analyst at Centennial College - Career Services and Co-operative Education Office.
I am a graduate of Centennial College's Software Engineering - Interactive Gaming (Coop) Advanced Diploma program.
With a multitude of technical experiences gained both from completing the diploma and work experience under my belt, I begin my journey to build my own software and game legacy.
What you are now experiencing is only the beginning of my development threshold.
I hope you enjoy your visit and please do join us in the future. maybe bookmark this site or add it to your favorites? plz?

Behold the virtual universe before us!
Let us create, and enjoy it.

LinkedIn Twitter @YaxGames
Orbit Junkers Threads Encryptor battlspace - group project
Anthony(1) - A.K.A The Scientist The partner in crime and coding apprentice
I am currently Learning web development on my own time while working.
I am a graduate of Centennial College's Biotechnology Diploma program
With a science background and an interest in games I have been learning how to code and offer my unique musings on creating games and applications
I'm doing my best to learn all I can both from school and from others.
Enjoy your time here, I know I will.

This is what I've learnt.
Let me show you what I can do.
