
Battlspace was a final project created by the awesome team D-MANS!
Shahriar - The database developer and parsing coder Also the guy who originally conceived the card game idea.
Dawid - The networking developer and connections coder
Cesar - The team lead and head coder
Anthony - The xml Character creator and documenter
Maxwell - The sound designer and background concept designer

All of these guys listed above are talented and are good at what they do, if you are an employer looking to hire a Software Engineer these guys come highly recommended.
The game itself is a space themed card game made with Unity, we enjoyed making it(as tough as it was!) and found that it was a great learning experience throughout.
Download it on the Google play store for free and enjoy playing against your friends on other android devices.
Task Keeper App in the works!
This is a Task keeper app being developed by The Orange Hat, as a simple todo app to help organize the teams' projects
Its a basic basic ToDo Task keeper with an emphasis on keeping track of time, dates, status, and who assigned the task.
It could relate similar to a personal ticketing system, further features may be added during development. Further details will be given below as this project continues.
10% Complete