
News System Updated
Date Created 2015-04-28 12:14:08

Welcome to the YAXGAMES.CA PHP Database EXAMPLE
Chances are if you see this you are part of an interview, I thank you for visiting this site
On this page is an example of the use of PHP and a simple database connection.
The styling of this site is done using a mix of CSS and Bootstrap as seen in the above nav bar and containers. If you would like further details of how this page or other shown pages were made please ask. Any and all feedback is appreciated, we are only in the Alpha stages as of this post so bear with us as future features are added.

Updated by The Orange Hat
Last Updated 2015-04-28 16:00:00
Date Created 2014-12-03 12:12:35

Welcome to the YAXGAMES.COM Alpha
Chances are if you see this someone showed you, I thank you for visiting this site and the person who showed you(if they exist)
Congratz you are an awesome!
Now for the real fun, we are ever working on features to add to the site so any feedback is greatly appreciated.
SO until we get the feedback feature set up, please let the closest person who knows either myself The Orange Hat or The Scientist know and we'll put it down on our list of things to consider.
for now heres a list of things that are planned so far.
  • Log in system (secured)
  • User profiles
  • Comments/feedback section
  • MORE GAMES (of course)
  • High scores and achivements
  • RSS game feed
  • Social media connection
As stated before all feedback is appreciated, we are only in the Alpha stages as of this post so be sure to keep up with us and see what we have in the making.

Updated by The Orange Hat
Last Updated 2015-04-28 16:00:00